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    Fuldkommen Kaage-Bog udi hvilcken er befattet hvorledis adskillige slags velsmagende Rætter. Del A

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Wecker, Anna
    Creation date: 1675
    Publication date: 1675
    Subject: mad (DK5-641)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Sandru ny Tiding: Som hafuer sig tildraget i n??ruerendis Aar, vdi Offuer Elsas i en liden By, ved naffn Altkirch, 3 mjle fra Mulhusz, huorledis mand paa Kirckegaarden vnder 3 Lindetræer haffuer hørt en gantske sød, lifflig oc skøn Musicke: aff tre hellige Guds Engle etc

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: anonymous
    Creation date: 1616
    Publication date: 1616
    Subject: almen naturvidenskab (DK5-50)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    En Elementisch oc Jordisch Astrologia Om Lufftens forendring oc hues der vnder begribes, tagen aff de Tingest, som for ögnen sees oc forfares, oc huer Mand Letteligen kand affmercke, oc tilforn wijde Del A

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Flemløse, Peder Jacobsen
    Creation date: 1591
    Publication date: 1591
    Subject: almen naturvidenskab (DK5-50)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Mangehaande artige Kunster at berede godt Blæk.

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: anonymous
    Creation date: 1578
    Publication date: 1578
    Subject: mad (DK5-641)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    En nyttig Plante Bog om mange slags artige Imper oc Poder, oc huorledis mand skal sætte allehaande Fruct og Træ

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Domitzer, Johan
    Creation date: 1635
    Publication date: 1635
    Subject: almen naturvidenskab (DK5-50)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Nogre gudelige Bøner.

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: anonymous
    Creation date: 1509
    Publication date: 1509
    Subject: kristendom (DK5-20)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Catechesis paa det korteligste befatted, af Latinen, for de smaa i Scholerne, naar de hafue vel lærdt, stedse ad beholde.

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Luther, Martin
    Creation date: 1627
    Publication date: 1627
    Subject: kristendom (DK5-20)
    Subject: undervisning (DK5-37.3)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    En enfoldig vnderuisning paa Fader vor Del A

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Theodorus, Vitus
    Creation date: 1552
    Publication date: 1552
    Subject: kristendom (DK5-20)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    En enfoldig vnderuisning paa Fader vor Del B

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Theodorus, Vitus
    Creation date: 1552
    Publication date: 1552
    Subject: kristendom (DK5-20)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    En enfoldig vnderuisning paa Fader vor Del C

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Theodorus, Vitus
    Creation date: 1552
    Publication date: 1552
    Subject: kristendom (DK5-20)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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